The Story Behind the Name - Midunu

Image of people eating at Midunu

Midunu is short for "Va Midunu" – "Come, let's eat."

It comes from the Ewe language, commonly found in the Eastern part of Ghana and the Western part of Togo. 

This word represents my past, present, and future and why I felt compelled to name my companies, Midunu.

To me, food is a way to bring people together. 

In many African cultures, you never eat alone. Instead, there's always an invitation to continually invite others to share a meal, no matter how much or how little you have.

I saw this in action while supporting humanitarian response for the United Nations.

When people were displaced, they would share whatever they had with each other. 

Food and community were central to reviving economies in countries in crisis – growing, selling, and consuming food were ways people came together.

It was also a way for my family to come together.

Growing up in Westchester, New York, my father would say "Va Midunu!" when it was time to eat dinner.

Whenever I hear this phrase, I'm filled with warmth and reminded of my family, home, and community. 

And that's why my nomadic dining experiences need to be communal. Midunu is an invitation for everyone to explore Africa and the richness of African culture through food.

May we bring this hospitality forward this holiday season and beyond! Va Midunu!

Selassie Atadika