Normalizing Failure

I live in a culture where only success is celebrated.

People are given awards for being “the best” and parties are thrown for achieving milestones…And, yes these events should be celebrated.

But, I also question, what happens to all our stories about failing before achieving success?

With so many headlines about unicorn companies with overnight success stories, my role as an entrepreneur is often glamorized in the media.

While these stories are inspiring, this is just one part of the overall journey.

I often tell people, the real sign of an entrepreneur is falling to the ground and being able to get yourself up, time after time. I am the product of my successes and failures.

So, I’m starting 2023 by normalizing failure because these experiences are important stepping stones to success.

In 2022, I struggled with:

  1. Logistical cold chain challenges from shipping chocolates from our U.S. warehouse to doorsteps. (We managed to get the chocolates from Ghana to the U.S. , but the summer heat in the U.S. melted some of our chocolates 😅)

  2. Product presentation. Some truffle boxes were covered in confectionery powder from the Nama Ama truffle.

Image received from a retailer

As someone who always strives to deliver my best work, I’m embarrassed that these products were delivered to my customers and consumers.

Yet, I remind myself that mistakes are a part of the learning journey.

My intentions for this year are to be focused and intentional

  • Focus on the customer experience

  • Intentional about sharing Africa’s culinary heritage through chocolate

So, here’s how I’ll bring what I’ve learned into the new year:

  1. Test ship our product to a few lucky friends and family ahead of every new collection

  2. Study how other companies manage warm weather shipment

  3. Get on calls with customers on a more regular basis to see how their experience is with Midunu Chocolates

I acknowledge it may seem odd to start off the new year with a list of mistakes. Yet, I think it’s so important to normalize failure and see these experiences as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Let’s change the narrative about overnight success stories. 

What were some of your challenges in 2022? And, what did you take away to bring forward into 2023?

Selassie Atadika