My Love Letter to Africa

Today is the start of Black History Month - a month of reflection, recognition and celebration for Black people and February is also a month dedicated to love.

It’s during this month that I’m renewing my vows to see Africa thrive. 

When I established Midunu in 2014, I founded this brand as my love letter to Africa - a vow to celebrate and preserve African culinary heritage and indigenous ingredients. 


I’ve traveled to over 40+ countries in Africa. I’ve seen Africa’s beauty and I’m mesmerized by her wonder.


Africa is a continent full of abundance: 

  • Diamonds that you wear on your body

  • Cocoa that sweetens your desserts

  • Coffee that keeps you awake

  • Cobalt used in your batteries

  • And, so much more

And, it pains me to see people strip Africa of her glory and fail to recognize her jewels.

Like when cocoa is extracted from Ghana without investing in the economic development of the country. This continues the cycle of systemic injustice that was established during colonialism.

Investment in the African food system and foodways are necessary to rebuild the destruction that was caused by slavery, colonialism and cash crops. 

This is why I established Midunu Chocolates. With my company, I’m elevating and reclaiming the narrative that luxurious, aesthetically beautiful chocolates, using indigenous African ingredients and culinary knowledge, can add value to the economy and be ‘Made in Africa’.

For each chocolate product created, I’ve named it after an African woman who has inspired me and I showcase African patterns to share African culture with the world.

My chocolates are made with love by an all-female team of chocolatiers in Ghana to ensure upward mobility for women in the industry

And, many of the ingredients are sourced from local farmers and producers in Africa

I love Africa.

And, it’s because of this deep, unconditional love, that I’ve dedicated my life to see her prosper.

Will you join me in celebrating and recognizing Africa?

Selassie Atadika